'*expand me* It Cosmetics No. 50 Serum Collagen Veil Anti-Aging Primer is a new makeup primer that has tons of delicious skincare benefits. It\'s called No. 50 because there are over 50 vitamins, extracts and botanicals in there!!! I have not used this product long enough yet to give a long term skin results yet but these are my initial thoughts after playing for a few days. Available on qvc.com and itcosmetics.com Disclaimer: The company sent this product to me to review. I also purchased one with my own money. I am not endorsed or paid for my reviews and all opinions and things I say are 100% truthfuly and 100% my own, as they always will be twitter.com/dianemary126 instagram: dianemary126'
Tags: beauty , cosmetics , makeup , skincare , foundation , it cosmetics , qvc , primer , Anti-Aging , extracts , no. 50 , collagen veil , botanicals
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