'@ Home Fitness w/ Coach A - Day 274'

03:40 Apr 25, 2021
'Day 274 - Lower Body Focus  - December 14, 2020 -  SUBSCRIBE + LIKE to have daily workouts delivered to you!  [ Warmup ] 2:00 Cardio Warmup - then - 3 Rounds: 10 Glute Bridge Calf Raise 20 Band Pull Apart 30 Mountain Climber  [ Workout ] For Time: 200 Double Under 100 Box Step-up 24/20 25 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20  Explanation @ 0:00 Demonstration @ 1:24 Modifications @ 3:35  [ Accessory ] 3 Rounds: 10 Single Leg Hinged DB Pass Through R 10 Single Leg Hinged DB Pass Through L 10 Pallof Press R 10 Pallof Press L  Explanation @ 0:00 Demonstration @ 2:30 Modifications @ 3:35  [ Recovery ] 1:00R + 1:00L Quad Roll or Smash 1:00R + 1:00L Couch Stretch 1:00R + 1:00L Calf Stretch  FREE daily in-gym quality coaching and workouts!  Need more help? Contact daugherty.adam@gmail.com for in-person or online coaching, personal programming to hit your goals, or nutrition coaching!   Stay Fit. Stay Active. Stay Happy!' 

Tags: home , fitness , at home fitness , Train , training , Online fitness , home gym , home fitness , at home training , fitness trainer , fitness at home , online coaching , Fitness coach , Fitness Training , coach a , at home coach

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