10:11 Sep 24, 2023
'URBAN FARM adalah Kawasan kuliner Pantai Indah Kapuk yang berlokasi di Golf Island. Di kawasan ini banyak sekali restoran yang instagramable seperti GIOI by Urban Farm, Toby\'s Estate, Kinetic Farm dll. Buat kalian yang pengen lihat video-video seputar Pantai Indah Kapuk bisa klik link di bawah ini ya:   Pantai pasir putih PIK 2 ( termasuk Pantjoran PIK, Pantai Maju, Beach Food Street, gerbang jalasena dll) : https://youtu.be/PRy1Sxm07_E  GIOI by Urban Farm ( GIOI ini milik atlet pebulutangkis ganda putra Indonesia Markus Gideon ) :  https://youtu.be/40kR52fEv6Q  Tempat baru yang akan kita review ini bernama Urban Farm. Disini kita bisa berwisata kuliner dengan pemandangan yang instagramable banget. Cocok buat kalian yang hobby kulineran ataupun yang suka update foto2 OOTD untuk menghiasi media sosial kalian. Salah satu tempat yang paling disorot adalah Monsieur Spoon. Resto ini adalah French Bakery yg sangat terkenal di Pulau Dewata Bali. Rasanya sudah tidak perlu diragukan lagi karena dibuat dari bahan pilihan dengan kualitas premium dan harga yg cukup affordable.  Happy watching guys.. Jangan lupa support channel kita dengan cara Subscribe, Like, Komen, ataupun share yaa. Terima kasih ^_^  #monsieurspoon #monsieurspoonpik #urbanfarm  ----------------------------- URBAN FARM is Pantai Indah Kapuk culinary area located on Golf Island.  In this area there are lots of instagramable restaurants such as GIOI by Urban Farm, Toby\'s Estate, Kinetic Farm etc. For those of you who want to see videos about Pantai Indah Kapuk, you can click the link below:  PIK 2 white sand beaches (including Pantjoran PIK, Pantai Maju, Beach Food Street, jalasena gates etc): https://youtu.be/PRy1Sxm07_E  GIOI by Urban Farm (this GIOI belongs to Indonesian men\'s doubles badminton athlete Markus Gideon): https://youtu.be/40kR52fEv6Q  The new place we are going to review this time is known as Urban Farm. Here,we can go on a culinary tour with very instagramable views. It\'s recommended for you who crazy about culinary  or for those who like to update their social media. One of the most highlighted places is Monsieur Spoon. This restaurant is a French Bakery which is very famous on The Island of Gods, Bali. There is no need to doubt the taste because it is made from selected materials with premium quality and at a quite affordable price.  Happy watching guys .. Don\'t forget to support our channel by Subscribe, Like, Comment, or Share to your beloved one. Thank you ^ _ ^  Music credits :  Slowly by Tokyo Music Walker | https://soundcloud.com/user-356546060 Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US  The Way To You by Sapajou | https://soundcloud.com/sapajoubeats Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US  Break Away by Ron Gelinas Chillout Lounge | https://soundcloud.com/atmospheric-music-portal Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US' 

Tags: urban farm , Wisata Kuliner Jakarta , Pantai Indah Kapuk , kuliner pik 2 , pantai pik , Pantai Pasir Putih , pantjoran pik , pantai pasir putih pik 2 , pantai maju pik , urban farm pik , kuliner pik , kuliner halal di pik , wisata pantai indah kapuk , wisata kuliner pik , pantai pik 2 naik motor , gioi pantai indah kapuk , urban farm pantai indah kapuk , wisata pik terbaru 2021 , wisata jakarta terbaru 2021 , monsieur spoon , monsieur spoon pik , monsieur spoon jakarta

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