'Pararescue Combat Control Special Operations Weather Team Fitness Preparation Program Day 1'

06:30 Jun 20, 2023
'During this program, you should notice your endurance soaring to heights never imagined. Like BUD/S, this program may break you—only the mentally strong will survive, and a new, strengthened warrior will emerge.       As you can see, this program builds your endurance and your strength. Also, looking at this program, rest days are few and far between. Hence, one should take in an adequate supply of the necessary nutrients and water.      I fuel my body with water, apple cider vinegar, cocoa, cinnamon, coffee, sugar, bananas, potatoes, spaghetti, and juices.      This program can yield incredible results; however, it also requires commitment and determination. The exercises are simple—they involve no sophisticated movements or machines.  Even after the fat has been shed and the muscle has been packed on, you\'ll continue to reap the rewards of your hard work!' 
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