'Glycemic Index Chart made Easy & Attached⚠️'

'Glycemic Index Chart made Easy & Attached⚠️'
12:33 Jun 16, 2023
'The glycemic index is a value assigned to foods based on how slowly or how quickly those foods cause increases in blood glucose levels.  Here is a link to the glycemic Index I use. StrengthGenesis.com  Download Link: http://digioh.com/em/7957/178180/wmgegbgxx7?demail={!email}   Foods low on the glycemic index (GI) scale tend to release glucose slowly and steadily.   Foods high on the glycemic index release glucose rapidly. Low GI foods tend to foster weight loss, while foods high on the GI scale help with energy recovery after exercise, or to offset hypo- (or insufficient) glycemia.   Long-distance runners would tend to favor foods high on the glycemic index, while people with pre- or full-blown diabetes would need to concentrate on low GI foods.   People with type 1 diabetes can\'t produce sufficient quantities of insulin and those with type 2 diabetes are resistant to insulin.   With both types of diabetes, faster glucose release from high GI foods leads to spikes in blood sugar levels. The slow and steady release of glucose in low-glycemic foods helps maintain good glucose control.' 

Tags: intermittent fasting , Diabetes , low glycemic , blood glucose , low carb diet plan , low carb diet meal plan , glycemic index , glycemic , low glycemic index , low carb diet for beginners , glycemic index vs glycemic load , glycemic index and glycemic load , glycemic index diet , glycemic load , low carb diet vs keto diet , what is glycemic index , intermittent fasting and keto diet , high glycemic index foods , glycemic load and index , glycemic load explained , high glycemic index food list

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