'Best Food with Low Glycemic Index | Low GI index'

07:50 May 16, 2023
'Best Food with Low Glycemic Index Glycemic Index (GI) is the system of assigning numbers to a food that gives you a vivid idea about how much does that food increases blood sugar level in our body.  Carbohydrates in high GI foods, break down very swiftly in our body and result in brisk rise in blood sugar level. High GI scores around 70 or above on the scale.  This is only a knowledge sharing PODCAST. Before the application, it is advisable to consult with doctors. https://www.ayurvedayogahealthfitnesswellness.com/2020/07/best-food-with-low-glycemic-index.html https://www.ayurvedayogahealthfitnesswellness.com  https://www.facebook.com/AYHFW' 

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