'Mobbed by Raccoons (25) Tuesday Night 03 Nov 2020'

21:10 Apr 14, 2023
'it was snowing with freezing temperatures and the raccoons were super hungry and knew they had to stock up for the long winter. I am a retired RCMP Officer living in a rural setting in Nova Scotia, Canada. I spend my time enjoying nature and feeding my furry friends, the raccoons. I also feed the deer in the winter months and many varieties of birds. I have two rescue cats named Connor and Charlotte. Raccoon Whisperer™ is protected under trademark law & is owned/operated by James Blackwood IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO FILM OR UPLOAD ANY VIDEO OF RACCOON WHISPERER™ WITHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT JAMES BLACKWOOD AKA RACCOON WHISPERER™.' 

Tags: canada , Wildlife , deer , raccoons , rescue cat , pet goose george , james blackwood , raccoon whisperer , mobbed by raccoons , connor cat

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