'Foods That Raise Blood Sugar! Glycemic Index vs Glycemic Load - Type 2 Diabetes #8'

'Foods That Raise Blood Sugar! Glycemic Index vs Glycemic Load - Type 2 Diabetes #8'
06:10 Apr 1, 2023
'Foods that raise your blood sugar quickly. What is Glycemic Index & Glycemic Load? This is the table I used, but you can find many others online: https://lowglycemic-foods.com/ Today we are going to look a foods that can raise your blood sugar.  Now there are two measurements that we use: One is Glycemic index and the other one is Glycemic load.  Glycemic index is a measurement of how fast what you eat changes to blood sugar, changes to glucose. But how do we know that? We compare it to glucose, that has a value of 100.   Anything that you eat that changes to blood sugar has a number: if that number is 70 or more, it raises your blood sugar really fast, almost like glucose. Anything from 56 to 69, we call it moderate, and 55 or less has a very low impact on your blood sugar, after eating.     If we look at fruits, for example, we see that apples and oranges are much safer than, let’s say,watermelons and bananas when it comes to raising your blood sugar.    If you look at vegetables, you’ll see that all the green ones are good. Eating potatoes is almost like drinking glucose   Most refined grains and bread are almost as bad as potatoes and are very close to glucose.  Most beans and nuts are safe. Most dairy products are OK.  Glycemic load tells you how fast and how much. So we have how fast, which is Glycemic index and how many grams of carbs are in the food. And we divide it by 100  Anything that is 20 or more is high,  11- 19 is moderate, and then, 10 or less is low Now, for you to understand why this one is better than glycemic index, we will go back to watermelon.  Watermelon has a GI of more than 70. So that means It is fast. It changes to sugar quickly! The problem is that when it starts, it starts fast. But it doesn’t have a lot of carbs, to change to sugar.  Most of the watermelon is water. So for the glycemic load, it’s not red. It’s green. Because even though it starts fast, it doesn’t have a lot of carbs to change to glucose. So it is still green. But when we look at pasta. We see that it has a glycemic index of 40 or 50 something, gright? It starts with green. But because it has too many grams of carbs, it will keep going. So, at the end of the day, if you eat pasta, you will have a higher blood sugar than watermelons. If you eat the same amount, of course. We should add one more. How much you eat.   We didn’t talk about meat and fats and stuff like that because they don’t normally raise your blood sugar. But if they are healthy or not, That’s another subject.     Disclaimer:  Dr. Vladmir Carvalho is a real Doctor. He graduated from medical school in 2012 (Bachelor’s) and 2015 (Master’s). Now he is completing his final year as a PhD candidate in the department of endocrinology, Southeast University.  However, the information provided on this channel is general in nature and intended for educational purposes only. It does not replace the advice given by your doctor or any other health care professional.   Thanks for watching the video, and give it a thumbs up if you liked it, so that more people can see it. And subscribe here and allow this notification bell. Have a blessed week! Bye' 

Tags: Weight loss , diet , Blood Sugar , foods that make you fat , insulin resistance , foods that make you gain weight , foods to avoid if you have type 2 diabetes , foods that raise blood sugar risers , raise blood sugar , sugar and risk of Type 2 Diabetes , the danger of sugar , is sugar good for you , stop type 2 diabetes , beat type 2 diabetes , destroy diabetes , sugar industry , potatoes increase blood sugar , watermelon and blood sugar

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