'The Secret of Successful FASHION TRENDS IN KITCHEN design 2022'

'The Secret of Successful FASHION TRENDS IN KITCHEN design 2022'
07:10 Aug 22, 2022
'The Secret of Successful FASHION TRENDS IN KITCHEN design2022  Kitchen design in 2022 has become more interesting, colorful, and exciting. Modern designers have to improvise, combine, combine materials and shades, find more and more new ways to surprise the client. Let\'s get acquainted with the most fashionable trends of this year. When planning a kitchen design, first of all, you need to consider the size of the room. This is a fairly important requirement, from which many nuances follow. Whether your kitchen is square, narrow, or uneven, the trendy and compact design comes to the rescue.  Fashionable kitchen design In modern layouts, homeowners prefer to make the room as spacious as possible, but at the same time quite ergonomic and functional. So to speak, they benefit from every square meter of the home. Compactness in 2022 plays an important role in the design of modern kitchens.  Many designers prefer to use dark colors in their kitchens. The fashion trend was born as a result of the transition to two-tone kitchens. Dark shades of wall panels are compensated by lighter furniture or bright colors. This color scheme in the interior is suitable for rooms of different sizes, and will also create an atmosphere of luxury and sophistication.  Fashionable bright colors in the design of the kitchen are red, orange, lilac, and green.  The trend of this season is the interior of the kitchen made of natural marble and textured wood - this will give your room warmth and comfort.' 

Tags: interior design , Interior design ideas , Interior design tips , interior designer , kitchen design , kitchen design ideas , kitchen design trends , kitchen layout designs , kitchen layout , kitchen layout ideas , KITCHEN LAYOUT 2022 , kitchen layout tips , kitchen design mistakes , TRENDS IN KITCHEN LAYOUT , FASHION TRENDS IN KITCHEN LAYOUT 2022 , lux intreior

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