Feb 23, 2022
'Mas Leche: https://m.sears.com/gerber-mas-leche-baby-onesie-shirt-shower-gift/p-A040294731 Diaper Backpack: https://www.target.com/p/eddie-bauer-fashion-heather-back-pack/-/A-51465602 Aden and Anais swaddle blanket: https://www.target.com/p/aden-by-aden-anais-muslin-swaddle/-/A-76513732?preselect=52598189#lnk=sametab Nearing the end of my pregnancy, it’s time get ready for my hospital trip. What I did forget to mention in the video, I will be adding nursing pads. All the items I did mention and personally bought links are posted above. The swaddle blanket I mentioned in the video is called Aden and Anais, the link is posted above. If I failed to mention any other items that you believe should be packed please comment on what and the link of it, thanks in advance. Stay tuned for an upcoming video of what is my hospital bag.'See also: