'★ Lip Kit Kylie - DOLCE K Liquid Lipstick ★ Hi guys, here is a first impression, demo, review, swatch and dupe on Kylie Jenner\'s lip kit in Dolce K. I give you the WHOLE deal my beauties, from the packaging to the doffer applicator. So sit back and enjoy and make sure to stop buy next week for another Kylie lip kit review on the 22. Oh! And don\'t forget to let me know what you think ok. :)) This video is copy protected and cannot be downloaded or used in any capacity without my permission. Smiling & waving to you all. F.D.V. PLS don\'t 4get to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT & SHARE! :))) FUMI DESALU-VOLD FILM REEL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4W3gu0ljDs&index=1&list=PLBIwUR9hrdfxjEXYMiA2Li_YozMbT0ROO ..................................................................................................................... SOCIAL NETWORKS Follow me on Instagram - http://instagram.com/fumi_desaluvold Like me on FaceBook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/18755... My Twitter - https://twitter.com/FuMiDesaluVold Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/fumisfashion/ My Blog - http://www.fumisfashionfiles.com BUSINESS For make-up bookings and general enquiries please email [email protected]. FUMI DESALU-VOLD IMDB http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1962872/ Director Ole Desalu-Vold MUSIC BY - MUSIC TUBE - THE EPIDEMIC SOUND PLAYER.'
Tags: fashion , beauty , tutorial , Lifestyle , style , collection , haul , review , kylie , Kylie cosmetics , kardashians , YouTube , hollywood , The , in , Music , And , make-up , instagram , Jenner , spectre , how-to , Facebook , dolce k , rap , taylor , police , hurricane , snapchat , balmain , justin , gomez , selena , kylie jenner lip kit , Google , ONE , Valentino , hm , STYLES , Harry , sign , swift , Rossi , hello , Direction , Bieber , Adele , Dolce , patricia , Fumi , Desalu-Vold , HOTMAIL , Lip Kit Kylie , Lip kit liquid lipstick , kylie jenner's lip kit , fumi desalu-vold imdb
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