Jun 22, 2023
'http://www.primemotionfitness.com.au/ https://www.facebook.com/PrimeMotionFitnessTraining Victoria Police Training Experts. Beep Test Tip In this video, Russell addresses three questions when it comes to training for Beep test. The first was is it okay to train for the beep test on an oval or on grass? The second question was is it okay to step out the distance to measure your 20 meters and mark it down? The answers to these questions are NO. Watch this video and find out why. You may also want to check out http://www.primemotionfitness.com.au/blog/beep-test-training-tips/is-it-okay-to-train-for-the-beep-test-on-an-oval-or-on-grass/ for a detailed explanation.'
Tags: beep test , Victoria Police , Victorian Police Recrutiment
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