'My AUGUST fashion haul from H&M and Topman .. Some polos and my new fashion favorite suit. Light breezy and transitional pieces for Back to School and Summer And remember, - Stay stylish! You never know who you\'ll run into :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LETS BE FRIENDS INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/garces23/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/cgarces385 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/CGarces385 SNAPCHAT: CGARCES __________________________________________________ CLOTHING POCKET TEE - H&M STRIPED TEE - H&M SUIT - TOPMAN __________________________________________________ MUSIC PROVIDED by Soundcloud NCS • KONTINUUM - AWARE https://soundcloud.com/nocopyrightsounds/kontinuum-aware-ncs-release'
Tags: fashion , try on haul , lookbook , summer fashion , mens fashion lookbook , jair woo , mens fashion haul , gay youtuber , back to school haul , summer haul , spring haul , august favorites , mens try on haul , dre drexler , anthony delucv , MENS FASHION 2016 , gentlemens cove , H&M Fashion , mens lookbook 2016 , CHRIS GARCES , top man fashion , August Faves , dapper lookbook , back to school lookbook 2016 , gebtlemens cove , back to school mens fashion , mens stylebook , MENS suit 2016
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